


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Loss of two kilograms per week 

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Someone has found my blog by googling on "weight loss of 2 kg a week ." That person must have been very disappointed. I do not believe in quick weight loss. I would not dare put up deadlines for me to reach a certain weight goals . If I did, I would just be disappointed that I did not manage to follow a strict diet . If I'm in the unlikely event manage to keep a strict diet for a long period , and if I then did not go down as fast as I wanted , I would totally give up.

Instead I let my weight take the time it takes . My goal is not only to go down to a healthy weight , but to then hold it for years to come . After my last weight loss of 18 kg to 65 kg retained i the lower weight over 5 years. Then began my weight slowly creep up to 2-3 kg per year , slowly enough that I would not notice that I suddenly gone up almost everything again . This time I will not let the same mistakes happen.When to stand still in the weight you need to eat in much the same way that reaches one goes down . It is not so much one can increase their calorie intake by . One can not go back to the habits you had when you hung up on weight. Therefore , I use my weight loss period as an opportunity to find new habits , finding new strategies to collect me a wealth of experience with both good and less good solutions to the obstacles on the way.I have made a compilation of my weight loss monthly ( first Tuesday of each month) That was fast at the beginning but has since almost stalled. Now when I take the new tag in the new year , I hope that weight loss will start again . I have another 5-6 kilos left to lose .December 2013( 2013-12-03 )70.3 kg ( weight loss -0.8 kg ) Total -11.0 kgNovember 2013( 2013-11-05 )71.1 kg ( weight loss -1.1 kg ) Total -10.2 kgOctober 2013( 2013-10-01 )72.2 kg ( weight loss -2.8 kg ) Total -9.1 kgSeptember 2013( 2013-09-03 )75.0 kg ( weight loss -3.2 kg ) Total -6.3 kgAugust 2013( 2013-08-06 )78.2 kg ( weight loss -3.1 kg ) Total -3.1 kgJune 2013Starting weight 2013-07-2281.3 kg


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